


climb over five thousand years,

Side banner will give you the bright,

My dear motherland。


I am not going to crawl,


I will not be subjected to slavery,


my monument in the new China, the

Straight into a stand of trees。




中国国庆日———National Day

美国独立日————Independence Day (USA)

加拿大日————–Canada Day

法国国庆日————National/Bastille Day (FRANCE)

英国女王官方生日—– Official Birthday of Her Majesty

Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ (UK)

澳大利亚日———-Australia Day


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I spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. I used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do so. I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. Though those examinations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to come. With this in mind I then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.

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